Play Flash anytime, even in 2025 and beyond, using an emulator.
Want to fix "This plug-in isn't supported" and "Adobe Flash Player is blocked" messages? This extension will remove those messages and allow you to play Flash in any website with a single click.
It's easy to use: Click once and that's it! The extension does all the work for you. No need to download extra apps, use old Flash versions, or be without your favorite games.
Play games, videos, and other Flash content on any website, including Armor Games, New York Times, Internet Archive, and more.
Also play local Flash files and direct SWF URLs with Premium.
This Flash Player extension will work in 2025, 2026, and beyond.
Compatibility Note: The emulator has limited support for ActionScript 3 and may not work with all Flash content. Please see https://ruffle.rs/#compatibility for more info on compatibility. Please contact support@modernkit.one if you have issues or feedback.
Some users may have a limited number of free plays per month without a subscription.
This extension uses the Ruffle emulator: https://ruffle.rs/
Ruffle is used under the MIT license: https://github.com/ruffle-rs/ruffle/blob/master/LICENSE.md
Adobe Flash Player is a trademark of Adobe, Inc.
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